When I started this website, my intention was to make it the very best fashion website in the world and though I might not quite be there just as yet, I have made great strides towards my goal. Keeping readers up-to-date with the very latest fashion news, being the first to publish new trends and never missing a fashion story were equally as imperative and after careful consideration and serious research into the online world of fashion, I soon came to realise that the best way to keep website content fresh and current is by blogging.
Blogging is a new form of reporting and bloggers are the cutting-edge reporters in many areas, bringing readers news and commentary, independently, innovatively and poignantly. I had little interest in writing, but soon discovered that I loved blogging about fashion, simply because it was another way of expressing my love of all things fashion. Bloggers are also educators, advisors and tipsters and provide excellent resources, free of charge, to people all over the world.
It didn’t take long for me to discover just how crucial my blog would be, how much valuable information I could provide, how many people I could promote and how many thousands of readers I could help. The reaction has touched my heart and redoubled my resolve to keep producing top quality content on my website and in my blog.
Initially, I was astounded to receive submissions from top fashion bloggers, wishing to have their work published on my website. To say that I was thrilled and honoured would be an understatement, naturally I obliged and that first guest publication opened countless doors for my guest blogger as well as for me. Soon after, I started receiving guest submissions on a regular basis and I was fortunate to be in a position to publish such great writing. These experiences have benefited everyone so greatly that I have decided to invite people to send me guest posts for publication and yes, that includes you! Please do send me your guest post ideas by filling in your basic details in the contact form above or emailing me info@fangirltastic.com.
I like to cover as many fashion-related topics as possible and here is a list of the main areas we have blogged about so far:
- Beauty
- Haircuts
- Makeup Ideas
- Manicure Tips
- Blogging
- Fashion News
- Fashion Accessories
- Jewelry
- Fashion Events
- Men’s Fashion
- Women’s Fashion
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Healthy Eating and Dieting
- Photography
- Product Reviews
Sometimes, a title can be the hardest thing to come up with, so to inspire you, I am listing some samples here:
- How Yoga and Meditation Can Make You More Beautiful
- How to Prepare for a Fashion-Shoot
- How to Find Your Own Style
These are just samples, I am sure you have your own great ideas. Just remember, that we will all gain from the process, my readers will enjoy your great post, you have thousands of new fans and I get to publish your top post!
What Happens Next
To write and get your post published here, you need to fill in the contact form above. You may send me a post, title or idea and I will reply immediately with some feedback. We then go on to discuss and finalise a topic and title. We will give you ample time to write a good post and await your submission. As soon as we have received it, a joint editing process commences and in most cases, guest posts are ready for publication within a couple of days. Highlighting you as the writer and ensuring that your name gets publicised as much as possible is very important to me. We also make sure to include a link back to your own website and blog so that readers can enjoy more of your work. Make sure to include a bio, we like to let our readers know who is writing for us.
I love blogging about fashion, adore reading other fashion posts and all previous guest bloggers and I have enjoyed the collaboration, discussion and exchange of knowledge and information. If you are a novice blogger, you must submit your post, remember, everyone has to start somewhere!