It is widely known that with most blog writing a person can earn up to 5% of the revenue generated from the blog, but there are blogs where people earn up to 50% of the total revenue generated from their blogs.
As a travel blogger or vlogger, there are also numerous avenues you can find to generate more income. Many people who blog in this niche also have Instagram accounts and other social media. Promoting on there is a whole different ball game (with many opting to buy Instagram likes at first before their growth becomes all natural), but the rules are fairly similar. It is common to find an earning that has risen over time, when in the beginning your earnings would be less than $50 per month. So how do you generate a paycheck while you travel full-time?
Below are a few ways you can earn income from a travel blog. It is important to consider when creating a blog that you should focus on areas that don’t require much time commitment or that is part-time only.
Leisure Blogs
This is the most common way you can make money from a travel blog. These blogs typically generate 50% of the income they make from blog posts by linking to other travel bloggers who have already made an income with the blog. When a link exchange is done, the blogger who was awarded the link will receive the extra amount of revenue they were already expecting to get.
Appreciate Your Life
Appreciate My Life is a blog I recommend for earning extra income from a travel blog.
Likely is a blog that is dedicated to helping a travel blogger make money from their blog. The blog is unique in that they have a page of advertisements to share with you, but the advertising revenue doesn’t seem to be substantial. There is some residual income from these ads, but the income seems to be relatively low compared to other blogs. You can check out Rex Originals for a link-building strategy that can position you to earn more revenue directly, through something like monetizing the organic traffic you receive with Google.
It is likely that you will only get a few small payments from a typical site like Likely. If you are interested in earning money from a travel blog you should focus more on the other income you can earn.
Manage A Travel Blog
As a travel blogger you can also manage the website or blog of the travel blogger who is linking you. This is a good way to take over a travel blog that is looking for someone to take over.
This is a good option for those looking to earn income from a travel blog that has already made some income.
Travel Bloggers Using a Webshop
This is the most direct way to earn money as a travel blogger. Instead of working for a travel blog website, you can set up your own website and sell online through a webshop. Some knowledge about 3ds server payment authentication will put you in a great position to pursue options for integrating a webshop into your travel blog.
Your Travel Blog Business
Find a way that you can focus your work and have every aspect of the process of generating content earn you money instead of it just being a portal for the cash to flow outwards. Review the camera gear you bought from this website, for instance, and encourage any buyers to complete their purchase through an affiliate link you would have generated.