Often called the black arts, the fashion industry often helps shape the trends and social mores of the country.
History, at least what is traditionally known, dates back to the Romans. Romans created clothes for some of their most revered athletes, celebrities and rulers. They often used fabrics such as silk to create sports attire.
In 1569, Pope Pius IV advised churchmen, “Before you sell a silk garment for a churchman’s robes, take it up and wash it.” Later, King James I of England granted an exclusive license to sell silk in England. The cloth also was used for upholstery.
Fashion at the turn of the 20th century led to a realization among wealthy women that they should wear elegant, ornate dresses. As the cost of women’s clothes increased, designers became more inventive.
In 1912, Coco Chanel gave the world her “Little Black Dress.” Despite the high price tag, women began copying the style and putting it on in public. Many of the outfits were not exactly modest, but somehow they were deemed acceptable for public consumption.
The movie industry has also been one of the most influential agents in the world of fashion. Different genres of films have influenced what people wear. Romantic movies have led people to wear pastel colors and floral prints; whereas goth movies might have influenced people to try witchy clothing. Likewise, detective thrillers have caused the audience to fit into overcoats and flat caps.
Sports continues to be another inspiration for fashionable attire. And even casual attire has been given a high-fashion makeover. Sports fans frequently wear clothing with team logos on them.
One company even manufactures athletic wear that has a feminine twist. With fabric swaths emblazoned with colloquial phrases such as “every kiss is a touchdown,” the clothing continues to blur the lines between masculine and feminine.
As far as drawing inspiration from any online casino Canada has to offer, it becomes a matter of thinking about the dress codes which form part of visiting the gaming floor of a brick-and-mortar casino. Gamers still want to dress all the way up while gaming online though…
Women’s Fashion Trends
Among women, the lack of disposable income and rising living costs have led to a more conservative fashion industry. Women have remained fashionably conservative, favoring simple looks with clean lines.
Given the recent trends, simple clothes rarely move out of fashion. Instead of becoming victims to every day changing fast fashion trends, women now tend to prefer spending more on skincare and beauty like getting facials or hair removal (from maybe someplace similar to Semper Laser Hair Removal Treatment facility) on a regular basis. They seem to have well accepted the fact that when you look good, you can rock any trend, any style.
Moving on, women’s accessories have become more sleek and polished, lending a contemporary flair to high-end fashions. While many styles and colours continue to be in fashion, a few trends have taken hold. These are the ones that have been used extensively in recent years, simply because they can be experimented with.
Take, for instance, everyday accessories like bracelets, pendants, and gold filled earrings among others; these tend to be versatile, and can match with multiple styles and occasions. You will often find many wearing similar accessories to complete different outfits.
Another trend that has made a mark in the fashion industry is the pop of colours, with a hot colour for accessories being orange. It has influenced garments such as handbags, shoes, scarves and sunglasses. In addition, sequined accessories can look pretty feminine. Some designers, such as Louis Vuitton, use jacquard fabrics in their handbags.
Most famously, snakeskin shoes have been popular for the past few years. Designer Michael Kors has incorporated them into some of his collections. Models on the runway in Paris wore sandals with shimmering snakeskin patterns and studs. The studs create a fashion-forward look that will get attention.
No matter what the season or what style of dress, a little extra effort can go a long way. A little glam, a little sparkle can work wonders. Give yourself a good look this holiday season.
Dressing up for a special occasion
A lot of people throw away what they don’t wear and say they’ll use that for a special event. But often people don’t want to throw out all of their old dresses, or they don’t want to spend the money on a new one. You can always give them to charity or a thrift store, or find out how you can alter and save them.
Thrift shops sell a lot of cheap and older dresses. Dress you’ve had for ten years might still look nice, but you’ve probably seen better ones at your favourite department stores or stores at the mall.
There are a lot of different thrift stores in our area. Just check out your local community for thrift stores and community programs.