So what’s the point of living in the moment? For one thing, it can mean the difference between taking comfort in the fact that the Jack Harrison Air service is a same-day one, so your HVAC issues will be sorted out, and stressing about something like those HVAC issues to the point that it hinders you from turning your attention to something else that will account for yet another great experience of the basics of life.
Though it may sound trivial at first that how something as basic as an HVAC can abstain you from thinking about significant stuff, but when your comforts are not met, and you are constantly thinking about that, it obviously takes your energy, keeping you from enjoying the more important parts of life. Whether or not you want to get air conditioning repairs done is up to you but comfort is something we all seek and not getting it (maybe due to a defective HVAC) could be traumatizing, which can lead us to not enjoying life.
When your basic needs are addressed, you are at peace and can live each moment to its fullest. Practicing this always helps me keep life in perspective and helps me keep my goals in front of me all the time.
Embrace the Moments
When I’m working out, and I’m about to finish a workout, I ask myself, “Am I happy?”
That way, when I’m done and I’m lying in bed at night, I’m not so frustrated because I’m exhausted and I feel like I didn’t accomplish anything and I can’t do anything about it.
I can’t do anything about it, but I can be happy, and that’s really all I need.
Whatever you want to do is your right and your choice.
It’s not up to anyone else to decide for you or tell you what you should do. If you want to go to Europe and see some beautiful places, then go do it.
If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, then do it. It can start with something like being more active through the fun offered by Aqua Surf. It doesn’t necessarily have to have you starving yourself or eating food that tastes like cardboard…
If you want to write a blog, then write a blog. You could earn some money from it, just take a look at this link and see the potential you could have – There is a lot of information out there about people starting blogs and setting up sponsorships, and so on.
It’s your life, your decision, and it’s your life.
When you decide to pursue what you want to do, it will never feel like a burden because you’ve practiced living in the moment.
So, live in the moment.
Savour the Amazing. Use disposable camera products instead of your phone so that you don’t have to worry about the security surrounding taking your phone to the most amazing places and experiences you want to capture.
Whatever you are doing, be happy.
Every minute you are with the people you love, and every moment you have with them is amazing.
If you’re having a bad day, smile and laugh.
If you’re happy, laugh out loud and enjoy your life.
If you’re enjoying a moment, embrace it.
Keep your heart and soul happy by focusing on the amazing moments of your life.
There will be good days and bad days, but this is your life. Live it and be happy.
When you do that, you’ll always have something to write in your journal about.
When you’re happy, you make the world a better place.
It all balances out.
See Live, Love, Write for more tips on living in the moment.
Of course it must be said that living in the moment does not mean you shouldn’t completely forego making plans for the future or being sensible. It also doesn’t mean you should lose all inhibitions that account for what it means to act responsibly.