Location independent work and the ability to explore different online working opportunities through the likes of blogging and travel vlogging have become increasingly popular and certainly something more accessible over this past year but depending on the country you’re visiting there may be certain things online to take care off to ensure your own online protection. Data and privacy have become increasingly important in the online space as has been seen with the big changes by Apple, so what can you do to ensure you’re staying safe online whilst travelling?

Read up on app and site restrictions – Different countries will have different rules for which sites and services they may allow and disallow, one of the primary genres in this space that impacts a huge number of tourists each year is within online gambling as a list of betting sites and online casinos, for example, show that certain countries aren’t so accepting of the practice – even more prominent options through the likes of social media are inaccessible for some too. It’s a good idea to read up beforehand, as you wouldn’t want to land in a spot of trouble simply to scratch the social media itch or to play a game.
The same is true for VPN’s and other online protection – It has become increasingly common to use the best vpn for iphone or any mobile devices and our own systems too. With the heavy advertisement of the pros and cons, they’ve managed to gain a lot more traction, but there are also countries that restrict the access of a VPN too. It’s easy to leave it running in the background and forget about it, but much like the above it’s not something you want to land yourself in a spot of trouble for, so be sure to read up on the destination you’re visiting for the ins and outs of online allowance to be sure you’re not using something you shouldn’t be.
Be wary of what connection you’re using and when– You may have become used to relying on the local Starbucks or McDonalds public WiFi for example, or using your own data connection wherever necessary, but this is something you’ll need to be wary about whilst travelling. If you’re in a big city or a popular destination, public access may be much more reliable, but you’ll also want to take care of roaming charges and other factors to keep your own data safe and to make sure you’re not relying on unsecure connections which could expose you poorly. In order to secure a remote server, you might need to look into encrypted secure network protocol like SSH (check https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/use-public-key-authentication-with-ssh/ for more info). Apply the necessary safety protocols for your own safety.
Online safety is certainly becoming more pressing, and these are just a few of the many tips that will help see you through and will do what it can to ensure you’re receiving the best possible experience online, no matter where you are.