This is How to Keep Christmas Romantic Yet Frugal


Hi, I’m Lizzy, the creator behind FangirlTastic—your new favourite corner of the internet for all things fashion, lifestyle, and unapologetic self-expression. This blog is my passion project, where I blend my love for style with everyday inspiration to help you live your most fabulous life.

Christmas is the one time of the year when the air is filled with chocolates, hearts, and romance is almost here. This day, for many guys, is also one that is a conundrum. If you’re a guy who strives to be thoughtful, and who desires to make your woman feel like she’s the only one around, then you don’t want to get her the ordinary cliché gifts.

Now, I know Christmas is a lot like Valentine’s Day and is not only for the women, but I think we can all agree that for the most part it is marketed towards men to provide for their special ones. If you’re anything like us, the thought of Christmas just extends to buying presents on a credit card and thinking about paying it again at a later date, however, it doesn’t have to be this way with a little thought.

First and foremost: Plan ahead in order to thoughtfully prepare for your lady. Don’t wait until the last minute to fret about what you should get your woman. You can opt to buy prebuilt gifts from the likes of UnboxMe or similar providers and get customized packages awaiting you during the special occasion. Trust me, guys, we can tell. We’re not dumb. If you come home with a box of Russell Stover’s and a bear that resembles the ones in Wal-Mart, don’t expect too much enthusiasm out of us.

Money won’t buy her happiness. If this is the case, you may want to click out of this article and perhaps find another woman-if you’re married, marriage counselling is always a great gift. I digress. My point: time will (and should) always trump anything monetary. For instance, planning an event for every weekend of February would be a spectacular idea. You could even mix up the events, so she has to choose out of a bowl blindfolded. Be creative! It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it does have to be something you both will enjoy. Creating memories is priceless.

Snail mail is underrated. We live in an era where texting, emailing, and instant messaging are the form of communication. Heck, letters are old school. Wrong. I love getting random love notes from my fiancé. It takes more time and thought than a speedily typed email and the simple click of a mouse. Plus, for me, the thought of knowing he has touched the letter holds an intimacy that is just downright romantic. Men, if you’re not too eloquent with words, then try finding a poem that fits your relationship. And yes, send her a letter even if you live with her! Tell her how you feel and don’t be shy. Women love vulnerability. It fulfills the knight on white horse imagery we dream about. Also, if you’re of the daring kind write a letter for every day of the month and date each. She’ll have one to open every day. Finally, don’t forget to spray it with your cologne!

Stay traditional if you’re too scared to venture out. Women love to be wined and dined. It’s true. Take her to the restaurant where you had your first date. Or take her to a new one – signaling new beginnings and new adventures up ahead! Make reservations for a private table. Don’t forget to scoot the chair out for her and open those car doors! We love chivalry. I suggest going to a gift shop and buying her something thoughtful like her favorite flowers. Everyone gets their woman roses for Valentine’s Day-but if that isn’t your significant other’s favorite, then get her what she most loves. If you still have absolutely no idea what her beloved flowers are, may we suggest taking a look at the floral delivery service that is located in Upwey, amongst other areas, and simply choosing an arrangement that catches your eye. She will appreciate the thought and effort that you have put into this gift – earning you even more brownie points.

If you’re an old pro at this and been together for a while surprise her with her best friend. No, no, not a dog….a dog is MAN’S best friend. Diamonds, silly! Haha, hopefully, that isn’t truly her best friend, but most women DO love diamonds. They are an accessory that can be worn with everything. Do some research and ask your woman in advance what she likes. Please be discreet or you’ll give away the surprise!

Where you can though, try and pay close attention to her favorite things, and buy them where necessary. It’ll impress her that you remembered! An alternative to eating out would be cooking her a romantic candlelit dinner in front of a fireplace. Make sure you know her favorite meal and surprise her by cooking it. Personally, I’d rather do this than eat out at a restaurant. It’s especially intimate and best yet, men, you don’t have to tip! I’d also recommend including a little razzle-dazzle of some CBD for the after-menu if you’re both into smoking. It can be a great option for extending the fun a little. However, if you’re new to trying this, it’s not that hard to find these products online and all you need to look for is the stuff you’d like to try, some rolling papers or Mini Bongs if that is your preference. Whether you’ve had a long day or would simply like to make your time together more special, this can be a fantastic choice.

Lingerie is always an option. Pair it with something thoughtful as well (see above). After all, it isn’t JUST for her. Of course, I only recommend this gift if you’re married. This would be a great addition to any evening out at a restaurant or especially if you made a home-cooked meal for her. Women love frilly things and it is the one holiday you can get away with buying us lingerie! Side note: do not buy us lingerie for Christmas or birthdays. Would you like it if we bought you men a hammer with a “honey-do” list attached? That’s what I thought.

Finally, and most importantly, have FUN with your gift! You know your woman best and what gift(s) will fit her personality perfectly. Go with your instincts and channel your creativity. Be thoughtful and never be cliché.